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Chat with your Expert
Start to chat with your expert
Firstly click on the “Chat” Menu button on the left. Then click on the “Chat” button of your desired Expert.
The Chat window
After you clicked on the “Chat” button you will see the chat window. Here you can chat with your expert.
The Thumbbar
The Thumbbar is the place where you can see all of the Chat functions
You can see the following functions in the Thumbbar:
- The Back Button to go back to the Expert Overview where you can see all of your Experts
- The Abilities Button to see all of the abilities of your expert
- The Chat History Button to see the chat history of your expert
- The choose model Button to change the model of your expert
- The Settings Button to change the settings of the Chat
- The tools and connectors Button to see all of the tools and connectors of your expert
- The Delete Button to delete the Message History of this chat you can start a new chat with your expert here
- The Save Button to save the chat history of this chat
- The Upload Button to upload a file to the chat
The Abilities Window
You can see all of the abilities of your expert in the abilities window. You can see the name of the ability and the description of the ability. Choose your desired ability with the “use Ability” to activate it.
The Chat History
Search for a specific Chat in here and activate it by clicking on it.
The Model Selection Window
Choose your desired model in here, if you have trained an expert before you can choose between the models you have trained here.
The Settings Window
Change your Settings in here:
- Temperature: The temperature of the model
- Max Tokens: The maximum tokens the model can use
- Top P: The top P value of the model
- Privat Session: If you want to have a private session with your expert, this will disable the tools of the expert and will use your private apps
The Tools and Connectors Window
You can see all of the tools and connectors of your expert in here. You can see the name of the tool and the description of the tool. you can also disable or enable the tool in here.
Chat Message functions
The Chat Message functions are in the context popup of every message
The Context Popup for a User message
by clicking on the three dots of a message you can see the following functions:
- Start QA Marking: Start the QA Marking for this Chat Messages
- Copy: Copy the message
The Context Popup for a Expert message
by clicking on the three dots of a message you can see the following functions:
- Start QA Marking: Start the QA Marking for this Chat Messages
- Copy: Copy the message
- Thoughts: If the expert has thoughts about the message you can see them here, thoughts are sometimes tools or connectors the expert used for this message
QA Marking
By enabling the QA Marking you can mark Messages for QA. These Marked QAs will be used to train the expert in the future.
Here you can see the QA Marking Window. You can see the message you marked and the QA you assigned to it.
The Thoughts
If you see an Icon like this in the chat window you can see that the expert had thoughts on this message. Thoughts are tools or connectors the expert used for this message.
Here you can see the thoughts of the expert. Thoughts are tools or connectors the expert used for this message.
There can be multiple thoughts for one message.